Monday, August 3, 2009

It's Almost Like We're Stuck In Neutral

Hey everyone! I just wanted to check in and let you all know that I am not ignoring this blog. I just don't have anything to post. Sure, I could post my own stories on here for days, but it just doesn't seem fair. I'm awaiting some awesome stories so that we can put this puppy in drive and continue on our journey. So, if you have one of those stories and would like to join my other contributors, just remember, all you have to do is e-mail me at Make the subject "It's Traffic Time," and include your state, but nothing else. If you would like your first name or a code name attached to the blog, let me know, otherwise you will remain anonymous. And just remember, all rights to the stories belong to you and you alone. You are just consenting to letting me post it on the blog. See? I'm easy to get along with.

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